The Lynnwood Ogden Garden Community is a welcoming and inclusive community space where people of all skill levels can interact through gardening. It’s a space where people can connect with nature and understand where their food comes from while sharing knowledge with other likeminded gardeners.

The garden is located in the south west corner of Lynnwood Park at the corner of 18th Street SE and 69th Avenue SE in Calgary Alberta, and has 42 raised beds which are available for rental, water taps and hoses for watering, a gazebo, picnic tables, and fruit trees.


The garden has a variety of beds which include:
- Full beds (4 feet by 8 feet in size)
- Half beds (4 feet by 4 feet in size)
- Regular beds (24 inches tall)
- Accessible beds (36 inches tall)
Rentals are for one growing season, from May to September and cost $45 for a full bed and $22.5 for a half bed.
Each fall, gardeners have the option to renew their rental for the following year. If you want to begin renting a bed with us, please fill out our rental form and we’ll add you to the wait list.
Over the course of the year we run a number of events for our members and for the Lynnwood / Ogden community. Upcoming events include:
Date and Location | Event | Audience |
February 25th 2023 2:00 PM, MOCA Upper Hall | Seed starting and winter sowing workshop with Janet Melrose and the Calgary Seed Library | Public |
Fall, TBD | Harvest celebration dinner | LOCG members only |
Volunteer or Donate
The community garden is a project which was started by passionate gardeners and is operated as a non-profit, largely relying on donations for building and capital expenses and volunteers to oversee the operation of the garden.
We have volunteer opportunities for construction / hard landscaping, planting / watering / weeding, and serving on the garden’s oversight committee. If you’re interested in volunteering in any of those areas, fill out our volunteer form to be added to our volunteer roster.

If you want to contribute financially to the garden, please donate and you can help us continue to grow in our neighborhood.